AKA Mining & Minerals Company
AKA Mining & Minerals Company
CaCO3 is a molecular formula that defines a white or transparent mineral in the form of crystals. Calcium carbonate (customary name – calcite) consists of a carbonic acid calcium salt.
The Calcium Carbonate Powder is typically used in the manufacturing of paint, paper, textiles, and many other products. It is also used in medicines, metal alloys, toothpaste, and many other products and Calcium Carbonate Powder Supplier play an important role by providing quality material to all these industries
Calcium carbonate enhance coatings performance as known as functional filler. Filler quality can improve decorative paints opacity, brightness, reflectance, workability and more. As well as on industrial coating, filler selection can make huge difference impact on gloss, viscosity and durability.
The basic material in many adhesives and sealants are Calcium Carbonate, which are impoving rheologi, bond strength, and reducing water demand.
Glass are formed from certain types of rocks melt in high temperature and then cool and solidify rapidly. The function of calcium carbonate in glass production for stabilizer, modifies the viscosity and increases the durability. Other usage of calcium carbonate is reduce cost of ceramic production, because calcium carbonate is an economical source of calcium oxide which is needed as a melting agent that can improve mechanical and chemical strength and reduces shrinkage.
Calcium carbonate is well known for cemen based products, such as asphalt, roofing, tiles, and bricks. Calcium carbonate function in construction as stabilizer, accelerate the hydration of the cement matrix, increasing strength and durability.
With good selection of calcium carbonate grade, can reduce cost of rubber production and improve mixing effect, and mold release.
In order to increase the quality of natural or treated (e.g. desalinated) water to a non-corrosive level or to a level acceptable for human consumption, needs to adjust the pH value through neutralization, (re)mineralize the water through adding (dissolving) the required amount of calcium, magnesium and carbonate minerals or reduce the water hardness (decarbonization). An unsufficient level of calcium carbonate in treated water makes it corrosive and will cause equipment and structures to deteriorate, often while not fulfilling drinking water quality requirements such as those recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization). A supersaturated solution will likely precipitate calcium carbonate, causing scale, reduced efficiency and eventually leading to system failure.
Calcium and magnesium fertilizers were known used for fertilizers. Fertilizers help to improves soils, plant nutrition and plant protection.
Calcium is an essential mixing element for every animal species. In addition to the basic fodder, the requirements of individual species call for the addition of Calcium carbonate to the feed ratio. The beneficial effect of using calcium carbonate as animal feed is proper development of bones and teeth, regulation of heartbeat and blood clotting, muscle contraction and nerve impulses, enzyme activation and hormone secretion, eggshell formation and quality, and milk production.
The aim of good pond management is to increase fish production through an improved supply of natural food such as phytoplankton and zooplankton. The supply is usually increased by fertilizing the pond water. Addition of calcium carbonate at pond is called liming, liming can be done when the pH of the pond below 6.5, very muddy, controlling disease and pests, high concentration of organic matter, and total alkalinity below 25 mg/l CaCO3.
Three types of calcium carbonate-containing rock are excavated and used by industry. They are limestone, chalk and dolomite. Limestone and chalk are both forms of calcium carbonate and dolomite is a mixture of calcium and magnesium carbonates. All have impurities such as clay but some rocks are over 97% pure. Limestone and other products derived from it are used extensively in the construction industry and to neutralise acidic compounds in a variety of contexts.
In the chemical industry, large quantities of limestone are heated to ca 1500 K to form calcium oxide, known as quicklime
Water can be added to lime to form calcium hydroxide. The process is known as ‘slaking’. Solid calcium hydroxide is known as slaked lime or hydrated lime, and solutions and suspensions in water as milk of lime.
The term lime is often used to cover quicklime, slaked lime (hydrated lime) and milk of lime.
For a particular use, an appropriate choice is made from the four: limestone, quicklime, slaked lime or milk of lime. In many uses, lime reacts more quickly than limestone but is more expensive, because a high temperature is required to produce it from limestone.
Quick Lime (CaO), also known as calcium oxide, is a white or gray powder made by heating limestone in a kiln to temperatures above 900°C. a quick lime chemical is highly reactive with water and forms calcium hydroxide (slaked lime) when mixed with water.
Quick lime powder has various applications, including construction, environmental, agriculture, steel making, pulp and paper production, and chemical production. It is an important material in many industrial processes due to its chemical and physical properties, such as its high reactivity, high heat capacity, and low melting point.
Used as a component in cement and mortar, and to produce lime plaster.
Used in wastewater treatment and flue gas desulfurization to remove impurities.
Used to adjust soil pH and improve soil fertility.
Steel making: use as a flux to clean impurities throughout the iron and steel production process.
Pulp and paper production: Used in the production of pulp and paper to remove impurities.
Used as a raw material in the production of calcium salts and other chemicals
-High reactivity: Quicklime is highly reactive and can be used in a wide range of industrial processes to remove impurities.
-Environmental remediation: Quicklime is used in environmental remediation processes, such as wastewater treatment and flue gas desulfurization, to improve air and water quality.
-Soil improvement: It is used in agriculture to adjust soil pH and improve soil fertility.
-Versatility: Quicklime can be modified to meet specific requirements in various applications, such as low reactivity, high surface area, or custom chemical composition.
-Economic significance: It is an essential material for many industries, and its production and use contribute to the economy.
Hydrated lime, Ca(OH)2 (calcium hydroxide) is a strong alkali formed when calcium oxide reacts with water. This reaction generates heat. Depending on the amount of water used, calcium hydroxide can either be a dry hydrate (dry powder), a paste (putty lime) or a liquid milk of lime also called lime slurry (dry suspension in water).
Hydrated lime is used in many industrial applications for a range of tasks in chemical manufacturing, water and waste water treatment, acid neutralization and other environmental applications.
The largest scale use of lime is in the steel industry, where hydrated lime neutralizes impurities in plants where coke is a by-product. Steel plates are often sheathed in hydrated lime since it acts as an effective short-term barrier to oxygen corrosion.
A variety of chemicals are manufactured with hydrated lime as a basic component. Included are bromide, caustic soda, fluoride, magnesia, lactate, nitrate, oleate, and stearate. Many organic and inorganic calcium salts, such as calcium carbide, calcium hypochlorite, calcium magnesium acetate, and calcium phosphate, begin production with hydrated lime. Hydrated lime also plays a role in citric acid purification.
Hydrated lime catalyzes particles emanated after combustion in cement plants, coal fire plants, glass industries, and other incendiary plants. Acidic pollutants normally released into the environment, such as hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen chloride, sulfur dioxide, selenium, and fine particulate matter are captured by hydrated lime’s anions, eventually rendering them into calcium sulfate.
Both cane and beet sugar rely on hydrated lime to react with impurities and elevate pH. Hydrated lime also removes impurities in the manufacture of maple syrup, sorghum, or other viscous forms of sugar. Carbonation before the final product is packaged removes excess lime.
As milk is separated into cream and skimmed milk, lime water is added to the cream portion prior to producing butter to reduce the acid content. Lime added to the remaining milk produces either lactic acid, when combined with a low pH chemical, or calcium lactate, a boon for medicinal supplements.
Baking powder (monocalcium phosphate) is a reaction of phosphoric acid with high calcium lime.
Hydrated lime is used to bind with sand to form plaster and stucco. Adding 15% hydrated lime to cement significantly reduces shrinkage and cracking. Road and building foundations, earthen dams, and airfields all rely on hydrated lime.
Limewash painting is achieved when water and pigment are added to hydrated lime to form a paste-like consistency before it is applied.
Adding basic hydrated lime to acidic soil stabilizes the pH for superior plant growth.