AKA Mining & Minerals Company
AKA Mining & Minerals Company
Kaolin, or ‘china clay’ as it is commonly called, is a hydrated aluminum silicate crystalline mineral formed over many millions of years by the hydrothermal decomposition of granite rocks.
Kaolin is used extensively in the ceramic industry, where its high fusion temperature and white burning characteristics makes it particularly suitable for the manufacture of whiteware (china), porcelain, and refractories. The absence of any iron, alkalies, or alkaline earths in the molecular structure of kaolinite confers upon it these desirable ceramic properties. In the manufacture of whiteware the kaolin is usually mixed with approximately equal amounts of silica and feldspar and a somewhat smaller amount of a plastic light-burning clay known as ball clay. These components are necessary to obtain the proper properties of plasticity, shrinkage, vitrification, etc., for forming and firing the ware. Kaolin is generally used alone in the manufacture of refractories.
Kaolin is a natural occurring raw material, which is refined to an industrial raw material by extent processing. Kaolin is separated of its accessory minerals by water separator technique. The classification in different grain size distributions takes place through drum washers, cyclone classifiers and centrifuges. Subsequent dewatering by sedimentation, filtration and drying takes place. Bleachery and magnetic separator improve several kaolin products.
We use modern methods to produce processed kaolin products for use in various industries